How Could the World be Saved? By Exacting Punishment? No, Rather, by Showing It Kindnes

Cyril_of_AlexandriaCyril of Alexandria 
(on Luke 15:1-10)
God sent not his son into the world, to judge the world, as the Son tells us, but that the world may be saved by him (John 3:17).
But how could the world be saved, caught as it was in the net of sin?  By exacting punishment of it?
No, rather, by showing it kindness, so that, God being merciful and forbearing, man’s past sins were forgotten, and those who had not been living worthily began a purer way of life?
Why then, tell me, O Pharisee, do you murmur because Christ does not disdain to consort with publicans and sinners, prudently preparing the way for their conversion? It was for this He emptied himself, and became like to us.

[...] The race of man wandered upon the face of the earth; it had slipped away from the hand of the Supreme Shepherd.
Because of this He came to us Who feeds His heavenly flocks above, that He might lead us also into His fold, that He might unite us to those who had not wandered, that He might drive away the wild beast that works evil, and frustrate the unholy robber band of the unclean spirits of evil.
He came therefore seeking the one that was lost…. And now reflect together with me, Beloved, upon the extent of the Kingdom of our Saviour, and upon the wondrous wisdom of His divine purposes.
For, He says, the number of the sheep is a hundred; here referring to the full and perfect number of the rational beings subject to Him.  The number hundred is ever the perfect number, made up often decades.
From the inspired Scripture we learn that a thousand thousands minister to Him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand surround His throne (Dan. 7:10).
A hundred therefore is the number of His sheep, of whom one wandered from the flock, namely, the race of men, and for which the Supreme Pastor of all goes searching, leaving the rest, that is, the remaining ninety-nine, in the desert; that is, in a remote and lofty place that is full of peace.
Was He then neglecting the greater number, and concerned only for this one? He was far from neglecting them.  How is this? Because they remain in total security, sheltered within the right hand of the Almighty.
But it was becoming that He should have compassion on the one that was lost, in order that nothing might appear wanting to the remaining multitude: for when this one was brought back He had then once more a hundred, the perfect number.

The parable which follows has the same meaning, that of the woman who had ten pieces of silver, and who we are told lost one, and who thereupon lit a lamp, greatly rejoicing when she finds the piece of silver.
[...] In the second parable, in which the thing lost is compared to a piece of silver, of which there were ten, that is, a perfect number, or one which makes a complete total…, we are shown clearly that we have been created in conformity with a royal image and likeness, that, namely, of the Most High God.
For the drachma, the piece of silver, is a coin upon which is stamped a royal image.  Who is there doubts that we had fallen and were lost, and that we have been found by Christ, and through His grace, and a just way of life, have been again made like unto Him?
Of this the Blessed Paul writes: But we all beholding the glory of the Lord with open face are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as by the spirit of the Lord (2 Cor. 3:18).
In his Epistle to the Galatians he also writes: My little children, of whom I am in labour again, until Christ be formed in you (4:19).
The woman lighting a lamp, a search was made for the thing that was lost.  For we were found by the Wisdom of God the Father, Which is His Son, kindling again in us the light of the divine and rational Day Star, when the Sun of Justice rose, and the day dawned, as it is written (2 Pet. 1:19).
And elsewhere God through one of the holy prophets says of Christ the Saviour of all men: Speedily my justice draws near, and soon my mercy shall be made known, and my salvation as a lamp shall be lit (Isaiah 62:1 LXX).
Of Himself He says: I am the Light of the world.  And again: I am come a light into the world, He that followeth me walketh not in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12; 12:46).
Therefore was it in the Light that that which was lost was saved; and this has filled the heavenly powers with joy.  For they rejoice even over one sinner doing penance, as He teaches us Who knows all things.
And if these heavenly beings, ever seeking the fulfilling of the divine will, and given to the unending praise of the most tender divine compassion, rejoice over one sinner saved, what are we to say of their joy at the salvation of the whole world, called to the knowledge of truth, through faith in Christ?

Cyril of Alexandria (c. 376-444): Commentary on St Luke’s Gospel, ch. 15:1-10,Translated by M.F. Toale, D.D. @ Lectionary Central.